Friday, September 30, 2011


Mommy is staying awfully tired these days, but if I keep moving in the afternoons then I can function at about half-speed. If I sit down- I'm out. asleep. sad.

So, I decided today might as well be the day Raegan and I got started on some Christmas presents I had planned. Since I'm only going at half speed we took the party out to the garage with plastic covered floor and table!
 I let Raegan freestyle on the paper plates in between parts of our projects so she wouldn't get tired of it all to quickly.
 Making handprints is her favorite, even if you didn't ask her to.
Preview of her projects. I found lots of cute hand/foot/finger print ideas online. We're doing a couple at a time so I don't get too overwhelmed!!

Busy bee.

Ms. Brenda's class is just full of busy kiddos. They have been learning about mixing colors and shapes.

They also learned about Joseph last week. Raegan calls this his "color jacket."
 The most adorable Moses, swaddled and in his basket. Raegan loves the baby.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Noah and the ark.

Raegan learned all about Noah and the ark last week at school and she loved telling me about her boat(!) picture with animals(!)
Fluffy rainclouds and rain...

Raegan's beautiful rainbow says "God always keeps his promises." She loves talking about all the colors.

They also learned their primary colors this week and next week they get to mix paints to learn how to get the secondary colors. All this has finally wore me down to be brave enough for finger paints at home but she doesn't know I have them yet ;)


In the end it looked way worse that it was. Raegan aka Grace, fell face first off a lunchroom stool at school. She busted both sides of her nose pretty good, had a goose egg under the left eye, and scraped her top lip up. THEN, she fell on the way back to the classroom and scraped and bruised up her right knee. She's still sporting the bruises under the eye and on the knee but otherwise is o-k.

Did she learn a lesson? Probably not, she was seen getting up on her knees on that same stool today...



Riding in the car had gone back to making Raegan very.sleepy. Every afternoon she just about falls asleep on the way home. Must be comfy :)
Carseat 1. Chicken nugget 0. 
She fell asleep halfway through a Happy Meal after a LONG no-nap Sunday afternoon.

Rocky, after her face plant at school last Friday. Naptime was spent at the doctor's office getting X-rays so the car seat won again.

Another Sunday nap. 
Went to Walmart for dog food and it was just too much shopping!! for her little self.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

God made me special.

Week 2 for Raegan was all about how God made everything special. Here's her new artwork line outside her room at home to display all of her pretties. There's bugs and butterflies from one summer unit, a fishy from another unit, and the watermelon was from their Fruits of the Spirit unit this summer.
The light blue picture says "God created heaven and earth" and they fingerpainted "sunshines" and grass. The dark blue picture to the right says "God created the moon and stars" and they got to use glitter paint and star sparkles.

Another day they learned all about how God makes everyone special. They made a book about themselves and how they are each unique. One page had a thumbprint, another their handprints with the date, another had all of their favorite things listed, and another had weight/height stuff on it.

Raegan in her "pokey dots" on the cover of her book.

Raegan's favorite thing to do at school is play with the "babies" and play dress-up so they put a picture of that in her book (they know all the stuff mommies love to get sneak peeks at).

Next week: Noah's ark and the colors of the rainbow.

Back to School!

Raegan started the K2 program at American Christian Academy in June for the summer session, but her first day of big girl (!) school was August 22.

She loves her teachers, Ms. Brenda and Ms. Michelle and she's made all kinds of new friends. Her first friend was Carley, who started with her in June and coincidentally is getting a baby brother in November. (I haven't had a chance to get a picture of them together yet.) She now asks to go see her friends some mornings, and waves "bye" to me most every morning (Ms. Brenda's amazingly simple trick has been wonderful for no tears when I leave! I need to get a picture of her doing that too!)

I'm going to TRY to do a post at least weekly on her school stuff because each week is themed and they do all kinds of fun activities and artwork to go along with them. The first week was all about getting the new kids used to being there. Raegan's buddy Addison from Sunday school started K2 and they were both extremely adorable in their excitement.

Week 2: Genesis

horrible blogger.

I really should give this thing up because I let it go for SO long...

But, I'm giving it another go. Raegan keeps getting funnier by the day and is doing all this cool stuff at school, and then before we know it Elijah will be here. 

So somehow, that means more time to update this thing, right?!?!

Please, someone(s)...sign up to hold me accountable :)